Friday, April 29, 2011

Pas de compesé

J'ai mangé des chocolate.
J'ai mange des les oeufs.
J'ai joue flag football.
J'ai travaille sur la ferme.
Je suis allé pe cher.
Je suis allé la chasse.
J'ai joue a l'exterieur.
J'ai joue sur le trampoline.
J'ai cauru avec mes chiens.
J'ai chante chansons.

8th grade football. Taken by countryside.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Julia Julia

This is the name of a movie that is about two woman that are making a French cookbook. Julia Childs is the older woman and the more experienced cook. The other Julia made Julia Child her idol ever since she was a little kid. Julia Childs ended up making 700 pages of delicious recipes that she eventually made into a book and got it published. Julia was the one who tried all of her recipes which made her really famous. These two woman are very alike because they both love to cook and are very good at it.